Social Responsibility Projects

A Consequential Protocol From Vasip Şahin And Halaç Family


Vasip Şahin, Governor of Istanbul and Chairman of Istanbul Gold Refinery Att. Özcan Halaç’s wife Başak Halaç signed the protocol for Bahçelievler Dr. Özkan Halaç Private Education Practice Centre where disabled children will receive education.

The protocol of Bahçelievler Dr. Özkan Halaç Private Education Practice Centre which will be bought to life by Halaç family was signed in Istanbul Governor's Office.

The school being built in memory of Özcan Halaç’s brother Dr. Özkan Halaç will be constructed in an area of 4500 metre squares. It will be five floors tall with the capacity of educating 350 disabled students. The interior will be designed to fit the needs of the disabled children and hold 40 special designed class spaces.

Governor of Istanbul, Vasip Şahin, expressed that Dr. Özkan Halaç Private Education Practice Centre carries a special purpose compared to other schools. Vasip Şahin thanked Başak Halaç in person due to the Halaç family’s responsiveness towards matters as such and praised the Halaç family for their previous projects for charities.

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    Autistic children welcome summer at a picnic organised by Istanbul Gold Refinery Inc.


    Istanbul Gold Refinery arranged its traditional picnic with special needs students from Zeytinburnu Private School and Practice Centre on 17th May 2016 and another with students from Lokman Hekim and Sancaktepe Practice Centre on 30th May 2016 at the Istanbul Veliefendi Hippodrome.

    Nesrin Kakırman Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education Deputy Director of Special Education and Guidance Services, Abdullah Deniz Deputy Chairman of KİAŞ, Mahmut Esen Director of KİAŞ and Aydın Avşar Disabilities Coordinator were some of the important names that took part at the event.

    It was a fantastic opportunity for the autistic and mentally handicapped children and their families to enjoy the day by playing fun games and participating in competitions. The winners of the competition collected their prizes from Att. Özcan Halaç Board Director of Istanbul Gold Refinery. Başak Halaç who participated showed great interest in the children by spending time with each one of them at the event. The event ended with an amazing ‘Semah’, a traditional show of whirling dervishes.

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          Istanbul Gold Refinery Inc. provides “Pre-school Education Unit” 

          Istanbul Gold Refinery Inc. gifted Zeytinburnu Private Education Practice Centre a special facility of support “Pre-school Education Unit” in the name of the late Dr. Özkan Halaç and arranged its opening on the International Disabilities Day 3rd of December. The father of the deceased announced the charity was created in his late sons’ name.

          Prominent figures like, Zeytinburnu Governor Ali Taskin Balaban, Family and Social Policies Provincial Director Önal İnaltekin,  District Education Director Yakup Hayırlıoğlu, Kuyumcukent and IGR Chairman Özcan Halaç, KİAŞ Chairman Nevzat Sudas, Kuyumcukent Blok Floor Owners  Board Member Habib Kocabasoglu, KİAŞ Board Member Ahmet Karbeyaz, KİAŞ Deputy Chairman Abdullah Deniz and KİAŞ Vice Chairman and General Manager Selami Tütüncüoğlu attended the opening. Özkan Halaç’s father Fazlı Halaç, mother Nur Banu Halaç, brother Özcan Halaç accompanied by his wife Başak Halaç and uncle Selami Tütüncüoğlu were the main participants and sadness prevailed during the event.

          At the end of the ceremony Özcan Halaç collected the gratitude plate on behalf of his Family and Istanbul Gold Refinery Inc.


          Istanbul Gold Refinery provides battery powered wheelchairs to disabled citizens.

          In the scope of Disabilities Week 10 to 16 May, Istanbul Gold Refinery gifted the handicapped individuals in Istanbul with 85 battery powered wheelchairs and scooters imported from Europe.

          As well as handicapped students from Zeytinburnu Private Practice Centre the following individulas also participated in the event; Istanbul Provincial National Education Director Dr. Muammer Yıldız, Deputy Provincial Director of Education Nesrin Kırman, the Istanbul Gold Refinery Board Advisor Fatih Kurtulmuş and Webanne Disabilities Coordinator Aydin Avsar.

          Istanbul Provincial National Education Director Dr. Muammer Yıldız thanked Att. Özcan Halaç for his donations and for his participation in social responsibility projects.



          A magnificent ceremony for the opening of Ömer Halaç Deaf and Blind School


          Ömer Halaç Deaf and Blind School established by the Board Director of Istanbul Gold Refinery Att. Özcan Halaç was opened at a public ceremony made by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Rize.

          President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan thanked the Halaç family for showing such sensitivity for disabled children and the charity they are providing by giving the plate to Macide Halaç and Fazlı Halaç.
          The protocol of the Ömer Halaç Deaf and Blind School was signed by both Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Özcan Halaç and the opening speech for the school was made by the president.

          National Education Minister Nabi Avcı and former Industry and Trade Minister Hayati Yazıcı had a check tour around the school with Özcan Halaç the Board Director of Istanbul Gold Refinery. Özcan Halaç expressed himself with these words,

          “In the hope to integrate disabled children into the society we have set up this school in memory of my late brother Ömer Halaç. We are following their education closely and feel grateful when recording their progress.”


          Istanbul Gold Refinery-Yet another welcome to summer from austic children.


          Istanbul Gold Refinery arranged its traditional picnic with special needs students from Zeytinburnu Private School and Practice Centre on 14th May 2016 and another with students from Lokman Hekim and Sancaktepe Practice Centre on 21st May 2016 at the Istanbul Veliefendi Hippodrome.



          It was a fantastic opportunity for the autistic and mentally handicapped children and their families to enjoy the day by playing fun games and participating in competitions. The winners of the competition collected their prizes from Att. Özcan Halaç Board Director of Istanbul Gold Refinery. 


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