Gold Banking

IGR has agreements with several Turkish banks and has been operating for years trying to integrate off-the-record under pillow gold into the financial system. Through the process of "gold collection", customers' gold is analysed and the corresponding amount of pure gold is then deposited in the customers´ gold account at the bank. This provides customers with safe storage for their gold with no fee, as well as the opportunity to earn interest; while the banks have gold at their disposal to use as a financial source.

Turkish economy benefits from this integration since off-the-record gold becomes a part of the official financial system.

The advantages of this service;
• Ensures high security of the products and eliminates the risks of loss and theft 
• Gold is kept under the surety of the government
• Gold becomes transactional for 24 hours
• Gold becomes savings and can be exchanged and used in required amounts
• Most significantly the gold under pillow will be contributed into the economy of the country

Contact Information
  • İAR Central Factory Address

    Kuyumcukent Kompleksi 7 No lu Fabrika Yenibosna - İstanbul / TÜRKİYE

  • Phone:

    +90 (212) 603 01 01


    +90 (212) 603 01 10


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