Gold And Silver Supply Chain Policy

A Compliance System has been created to provide continuity of the existing accreditation conditions which we are accredited by national and international legislations alongside with the requirements of The Good Delivery List of London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and Acceptable Refiners of Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC). By implementing the Gold and Silver Supply Chain Policy  Istanbul Gold Refinery Inc. ensures adequate awareness amongst all company personnel, customers and business partners.

Istanbul Gold Refinery has adopted as principle to support all efforts in both national and international areas to battle with money laundering, financing of terrorism and other affiliated crimes with all of its units, to comply with all national and international laws, regulations and legislations.

IGR only associates with customers which work professionally, minimizing the risk of working with non-bona fide persons. IGR does not work with the customers promoting child labour. IGR only accepts metals/gold from internationally accepted safe zones.

The IGR confirms that it acts as a Market Participant as defined by the LBMA Global Precious Metals Code, and is committed to conducting its Market activities in a manner consistent with the principles of the Code. To this end, IGR has taken appropriate steps, based on the size and complexity of its activities, and the nature of its engagement in the Market, to align its activities with the principles of the Code.

IGR accepts to apply the following standards:

LBMA Global Precious Metals Code

LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance

LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance  

DMCC Rules for Risk Based Due Diligence in the Gold Precıous Metals Supply Chain

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-affected and High Risk Areas

OECD Due Diligence Guidance Gold Supplement

World Gold Council Conflict-Free Gold Standart

Masak Legistalion

Borsa İstanbul legistalion 

Borsa İstanbul Kıymetli Madenler Sorumlu Tedarik Zinciri Uyum Rehberi

Contact Information
  • İAR Central Factory Address

    Kuyumcukent Kompleksi 7 No lu Fabrika Yenibosna - İstanbul / TÜRKİYE

  • Phone:

    +90 (212) 603 01 01


    +90 (212) 603 01 10


  • E-mail:

  • You can follow us on
Contact Form

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