CONTACT US FOREIGN OFFICES STORES UNITS HUMAN RESOURCES GRAMGOLD SALES STORES OPEN AN ACCOUNT RESPONSIBLE GOLD Hot Line Responsible Gold home page contact us responsible gold Istanbul Altın Rafinerisi JSC has created a compliance system which ensures the conduct of its business meets ethical, moral and socially responsible standards. As a LBMA accredited Refiner Istanbul Altın Rafinerisi JSC our definition of risk is in accordance with the LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance and the DMCC Practical Guidance for Market Participants in the Gold and Precious Metals Industry. We support worldwide efforts to combat abuses of human rights, to avoid contributing to conflict, to comply with high standards of both national and international anti money laundering and to combat the financing of terrorism. Our clients comply with the same values that we apply to ourselves. We have implemented this policy through an effective and comprehensive management system which is based on national and international KYC (Know Your Customer) due diligence practices in order to identify our clients. We are aware of the dangers of unwittingly getting involved in or contributing to illegal practices which may be connected to the extraction, trading, handling and exporting of minerals from any area. However, all our employees are required to follow meticulously the KYC system and they are encouraged to express any concerns over the Precious Metals Supply Chain. Independent Reasonable Assurance Reports LBMA Certificate DMCC Certificate USEFUL LINKS: 1. "Gold Supplement to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance" 2. “OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-affected and High Risk Areas” 3. “LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance” 4. "Practical Guidance for Market Participants in the Gold and Precious Metals Industry' (the DMCC "Guidance")" 5. “World Gold Council Conflict-Free Gold Standart” 6. MASAK 7. Borsa İstanbul