Message From Our General Manager

Istanbul Gold Refinery Inc. is one of the world´s selected companies in the precious metals market and a pioneer in this sector in Turkey. IGR is constantly improving while staying loyal to the standards set by our late founder Ömer Halaç.

Believing that the company's future coincides with that of the country’s, IGR complies with the rules of international standards and legal environmental codes. All personnel and executives of our company are aware of the respect we have earned in the global gold markets by following the principle set by Ömer Halaç:
"The secret to success is being honest, patriotic, possessing moral values and working, working, working."

Gold, which represents help and support, has a very special place in Anatolian culture. It is considered to be the traditional gift for significant life events and achievements and used for valuable jewelry as well as an investment tool. As a result of gold´s prevalence in Turkish society, Turkish citizens have accumulated sums of gold known as "under the pillow" gold.

The nobility and value of gold, molded by our high-end technology and standards that aim for perfection, is turned into products to be proud of, not only for our company but also for the citizens of the Turkish Republic.


Att. Özcan HALAÇ
General Manager

Contact Information
  • İAR Central Factory Address

    Kuyumcukent Kompleksi 7 No lu Fabrika Yenibosna - İstanbul / TÜRKİYE

  • Phone:

    +90 (212) 603 01 01


    +90 (212) 603 01 10


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