Hot Line

You can forward your suggestions, complaints and requests regarding the IAR group of companies to the IAR Audit Group Directorate without sharing your identity and contact information using the following channels. 
Each application that reaches the ethics line is registered and stored in the system with a special reference number. While evaluating suggestions, requests and complaints, we act according to the principles of impartiality and customer satisfaction.
It is aimed to produce solutions in a short time and in accordance with quality standards by making all necessary researches.
IAR group of companies sees all kinds of notifications as an opportunity and then carries out process improvement activities. It is shared with the relevant parties in parallel with the finalization of any notification.
E-mail notification:
Online notification
You can send your notices on our website by filling out the online contact form.

Contact Information
  • İAR Central Factory Address

    Kuyumcukent Kompleksi 7 No lu Fabrika Yenibosna - İstanbul / TÜRKİYE

  • Phone:

    +90 (212) 603 01 01


    +90 (212) 603 01 10


  • E-mail:

  • You can follow us on
Contact Form

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