PRESS PRESS RELEASE NEWS SPONSORSHIPS PHOTO GALLERY TV INTERVIEWS PRESS OUR PROMOTIONAL FILM Sponsorships home page press sponsorships 4th International Istanbul Gold Summit was hosted at Çırağan Palace. Turkey’s dynamo sectors including Gold, jewellery and jewellery kinds has held its most important and traditional event, International Gold Summit, 20th June 2013 in Istanbul Çırağan Palace. With the participation of the deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan president of SPK Vahdettin Ertaş, president of Istanbul exchange Management board Dr. Ibrahim Turhan and other guests. The event has occurred for the fourth time. At the summit besides discussing the contribution of the sector to Turkey’s economy, 2023 targets, projects and problems were also taken in hand. The famous international investment consultant and fund manager Marc Faber made a speech. The sponsors who have supported Istanbul Gold Refinery in hosting the summit were, Exchange Istanbul, Loomis, Noor CM Security Portfolios, UBM/Rotaforte, Gold Mining Association, Kuyas, Turkish Air Lines as well as many other institutions. THOMSON REUTERS We as Istanbul Gold refinery A.Ş are sponsoring the “Golden Survey” produced every year by the Thomson Reuters finance, which is accepted as the most important resource of the sector and a universal reference. Gold and Jewellery Summit 2012, 21 March held in Çırağan Palace. “Gold and Jewellery Summit 2012” where Istanbul’s Gold and Jewellery sector problems were debated as well as goals shared, was held by Istanbul Gold Refinery. The summit was held by the contribution of Istanbul Gold Exchange, Interchange Bank and Denizbank where the opening speeches were made by Hayati Yazıcı, president of customers and trade, followed by Osman Saraç Istanbul Gold Exchange president and Denizbank general director Hakan Ateş. The guests included, politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen, president of chamber of commerce, jewellers, refineries, bank and finance institutions, stockbrokers, mine firms, and all other related institutions and corporations. Competition and Legislation in the post sector “Competition and Legislation in the post sector” seminar started on 26th June 2012 on Tuesday in Çeşme Altın Yunus Hotel, hosted by the Turkish post management. The opening speech was made by Turkish post management PTT chairman Osman Tural. In the seminar the following representatives of the universal post management were present; Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Palestine, Georgia, Switzerland, Iran, Kirghizia, KKTC, Lebanon, Moldova, Pakistan, Singapore, South Korea, Jordan and universal post Union (UPU) universal bureau, committee of European postal legislation (CERP), Europian public postal operations commitee (Posteurop) and representatives from Euromed. Istanbul Gold Refinery participated as the sponsor of the seminar and made a presentation about distribution of gold in PTT branches and PTT ATMs. ELSA (The European Law Students’ Association) ELSA, (The European Law Students Association) is a universal, independent, politically unbiased, non-profitable law student’s organisation. This organisation consists of 30.000 students or law graduates from 36 countries across Europe and over 250 law faculties and is currently operating in the field of law. Istanbul Gold Refinery has undertaken the main sponsorship of ELSA Turkey, in order to support young law students.