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International Istanbul Gold Summit Istanbul Stock Exchange Chairman Turhan: Precious Stones Operations Centre will move to Kuyumcukent 'Diversify your investments' proposal from Faber Chairman of the Istanbul Gold Refinery Özcan Halaç Chairman of the Gold Miners Association Akdur Gold and Jewellery Industry Banking Applications Forestry and Water Affairs Minister Veysel Eroglu visited Kuyumcukent MAY 29, 2013 PTT Gold Sale Has Begun. Meral Akşener visited Kuyumcukent Özcan HALAÇ is new president of Kuyumcukent Hakan Binbaşgil visits Kuyumcukent Prof. Dr. Erdem BAŞÇI Visited Istanbul Gold Refinery Under Pillow Golds Participates Into Economy Every Passing Day in Our Country with the Gold Banking Project of IGR Plaque for HALAÇ from Parliamentary Sports Club Association. Protocol Ceremony in Rize School of Hearing-Impaired ISTANBUL - Zeytinburnu Autistic Children Training Centre. AKBANK Gold Invitation Days... "FORTUNE 500" Announced "CAPITAL 500" Announced Gold Acceptance Days New Era of Gold Banking LBMA (The London Bullion Market Association) Associated Companies Istanbul Gold Refinery, Inc., is always to move forward and to put the world's gold refinery industry, developing business partners improves work environment sensitive to the needs as a company operates. ISTANBUL ALTIN RAFİNERİSİ A.Ş. IS GROWING WITH GOLDGRAM Gold, which takes the form of jewelry due to its aesthetic appearance; bullion due to its feature of being a means of reserve and money due to its feature of being a means of exchange, has been blazing again in recent years. The brand GRAMALTIN (Gram gold), created by İstanbul Altın Rafinerisi (Istanbul Gold Refinery), the first gold refinery company of Turkey, and its activities in the field of gold banking, has great contribution in this development. In recent years when the significan... Gold, which takes the form of jewelry due to its aesthetic appearance; bullion due to its feature of being a means of reserve and money due to its feature of being a means of exchange, has been blazing again in recent years. The brand GRAMALTIN (Gram gold), created by İstanbul Altın Rafinerisi (Istanbul Gold Refinery), the first gold refinery company of Turkey, and its activities in the field of gold banking, has great contribution in this development. In recent years when the significance of gold banking has increased, Istanbul Gold Refinery managed to raise the bar even higher by starting sales of goldgram from ATMs and also, it received a significant share in scrap gold refiner with the agreements it executed with banks. With the international accreditations taken, Istanbul Gold Refinery, which currently has offices in 8 countries, ranks in The Good Delivery List of Acceptable Refiners in the world. Özcan Halaç, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Istanbul Gold Refinery, draws attention to the fact that they have established branches in Dubai, Hong Kong, Germany, Spain and the USA in addition to the domestic market today and says that they are planning to open up franchises in 15 core countries of Europe. In addition to this, Halaç mentions that the USA is very important for them and emphasizes that they are aiming to open up franchises in all states of the USA. In addition to Europe and the USA, Halaç also has an eye on the Turkish Republics and Africa. Saying "We want to be active in transfer points such as Senegal and Tanzania in Africa”, Halaç also enlightens that they also want to engage in exploration on the continent. Halaç states that they are aiming to become an effective player in the world market by realizing all of these targets within 10 years. Saying that they executed agreements with Akbank, Denizbank, Kuveyt Türk, Bank Asya, Ziraat Bankası, Vakıfbank, Finansbank, Şekerbank, Türkiye Finans and Türkiye İş Bankası, Halaç points out that they collected scrap gold in 10 banks by providing expert service for banks. Indicating that approximately 20 tons of scrap gold were given to them by banks in 2012 for refinement, Halaç says that they refine the golds they collect via banks and return thereof to banks and that this volume will continue by increasing in the future period. Stating that they are the only company in Turkey to produce goldgram, turn it into a brand and ensuring awareness and that they started to be imitated later on, Halaç says "We produced İAR goldgram to provide a reliable and advantageous alternative to the consumer's investment and souvenir gold need. However, we started to develop gram gold as banking product as well in time. Thus, people can purchase gram gold as an instrument of investment and keep it as deposit at the bank like money. The bank gives interest or profit share on this. By improving on these ideas, we made an agreement with banks and implemented this project." Goldgram, which are produced by Istanbul Gold Refinery, are the golds which have 24 carats international validity, different from 22 carats jewelry golds produced by Mint. By taking another step, Istanbul Gold Refinery also started works with banks to be able to purchase and sell goldgram from bank ATMs. Expressing that the aim is to increase accessibility of IAR Goldgram, which is safely preferred, by providing service to the public at further points, Halaç indicates that activities about ATM gold will continue. Emphasizing that Istanbul Gold Refinery started to sell goldgram via PTT agencies as well, in addition to its own branches and banking channels, Halaç indicates that trial transactions at PTT branches have been completed and goldgram sales have started in more than one thousand branches of PTT and at PTT Matics. Mentioning that a new understanding of investment was created with IAR Goldgram and Gram silver products which are produced and released to the market within the body of İstanbul Altın Rafinerisi A.Ş., Halaç indicates that 24 carat Goldgram products are traded as deposit for the first time in the world with a wide product range extending from 0,5 grams to 100 grams, and also Gram silver products, which are produced between 2,5 grams and 100 grams, are of 999/1000 purity. Halaç emphasizes that they can provide easier access and more options for customers with the Jewelry Gold Series as well, in addition to goldgram and gram silver products, which can be enabled to be produced specially for persons, institutions and organizations by processing figures such as name, logo, picture and signature on the packages thereof, and that these products are more economical compared to other jewelry golds in the market. Stating that IAR Goldgram and IAR Jewelry series products are a serious rival to jewelry golds issued by Mint, Halaç underlines that especially the fact that jewelry gold issued by Mint recently are sold much more expensively than they ought to be sold in the market due to supply and demand balance has increased the interest towards Goldgram products even more. 1 Önceki Sonraki